
CST Studio Suite是一套用於3D全波電磁分析的模擬軟體,它提供了基本的4個通用型求解器(適用於不同大小的問題)和20多個專用求解器,可分析的並最佳化的應用涵蓋了靜電、靜磁、微坡至光學頻段,同時也針對電路模擬、熱傳、結構應力等多重物理提供了相應的求解分析。除此之外對於EMC分析測試除了可以將完整結構導入全3D介面中分析,CST還提供讓電路板、晶片以2.5D模擬的套件,或是將其透過EDA工具把完整架構匯入至3D全波分析已獲得更加準確的輻射場與S參數。


Time Domain 時域求解器圖片
CST Studio Suite hexahedral mesh with Perfect Boundary Approximation
時域解算器是一款功能強大、用途廣泛的3D 全波求解器,在時域求解時可以分別以”有限積分技術 (FIT)” 或”傳輸線矩陣法 (TLM)” 實現。並且執行各種寬頻應用的求解分析。此外還支援硬體加速與 MPI 叢集運算,也使得此一求解器更加適用於大型、複雜細節結構的模擬。
  • 適用中型-大型尺寸電氣結構的一般高頻應用
  • 暫態分析
  • 全3D電子產品/結構分析



頻率求解器是一種基於有限元素法 (FEM) 的多用途 3D 全波求解器,可以針對多種類型的元件提供出色的分析模擬。由於頻率求解器可以同時計算所有端埠,因此非常適用對於高速/類比式連接器或陣列元件等多端埠系統模擬。頻率求解器包括model-order reduction (MOR) 功能,可以加快對濾波器等共振特性較強(High Q)結構的模擬分析。
  • 適用小型-中型電氣結構的一般高頻應用
  • 窄頻共振結構
  • 多端埠系統
  • 3D電子產品/結構分析



Integral Equation 積分方程求解器圖片
  • 大型電氣尺寸結構高頻應用
  • 模型整合特性分析(Installed performance, e.g. antenna & phone model)
  • 本徵態特徵模式分析 (CMA)



Asymptotic 高頻漸近法求解器圖片
漸近法求解器是一種基於光線路徑追蹤的求解器,對於並非一定需要”全波求解”的極大型電性尺寸結構來說其實非常有效。關於光學彈跳法Shooting Bouncing Ray (SBR),其本質上是物理光學的延伸因此更加適用於數千個波長的極大型電性尺寸結構。
  • 極大型電性尺寸結構
  • 模型整合特性分析(Installed performance)
  • 電磁場散射分析(以光學方式)



Hybrid Solver Task 綜合求解分析圖片
  • 設計於相對極大電性尺寸結構上的天線(相對小型的天線)
  • EMC 模擬
  • 模擬存在於複雜環境中的人體現象(SARs)



Circuit solver 電路分析圖片
Tight integration between 3D electromagnetic solvers and circuit simulator is controlled through CST Design Studio (shown centre)
CST Design Studio是一套用於模擬系統整合的圖像化整合設計工具,此一標準功能包含在CST中,並可直接從CST主要界面開啟。 在Circuits &systems內包含了有源,無源,線性和非線性等電路元件,並且可以與3D EM全波模擬高度整合,並且同樣的支援SPICE、Pspice、HSPICE、IBIS和TOUCHSTONE等的文件格式。 在CST中的真實暫態EM /電路協同模擬,是將不同系統或元件間的S參數聯串接協同分析或者直接串接物件為系統進行EM /電路協同分析,由於CST具有高效的時域求解器,因此可以在CST中進行真正的暫態EM /電路協同分析,而在此一特點是在沒暫態時域求解器的軟體中難以實現的。




The Multilayer Solver is a 3D full-wave solver, based on the method of moments (MOM) technique. The Multilayer Solver uses a surface integral technique and is optimized for simulating planar microwave structures. The Multilayer Solver includes a characteristic mode analysis (CMA) feature which calculates the modes supported by a structure.
  • MMIC
  • Feeding networks
  • Planar antennas



The Eigenmode Solver is a 3D solver for simulating resonant structures, incorporating the Advanced Krylov Subspace method (AKS), and the Jacobi-Davidson method (JDM). Common applications of the Eigenmode Solver are highly-resonant filter structures, high-Q particle accelerator cavities, and slow wave structures such as travelling wave tubes. The Eigenmode Solver supports sensitivity analysis, allowing the detuning effect of structural deformation to be calculated directly.
  • Filters
  • Cavities
  • Metamaterials and periodic structures



A design tool offering a range of options for filter implementation in various planar technologies, such as microstrip, stripline and suspended microstrip. It offers different configurations using stubs, stepped impedance lines, coupled-resonators and lumped component circuits, where SMD libraries can be selected and inter-connects automatically created. With the push of a button the model is created on the schematic with the appropriate optimizer setup. In addition a full-wave simulation project is created from the building blocks and includes the solver setup and all parameters needed for the final tuning steps.
  • Planar filters
  • Circuit filters



A synthesis tool for designing bandpass and diplexer filters, where a range of coupling matrix topologies are produced for the application in arbitrary coupled-resonator based technology. It also offers a choice in building blocks to realize the 3D filter by making use of the Assembly Modelling. From the Component Library the user can choose between combine/interdigital coaxial cavities and rectangular waveguides, or simply define customized building blocks of any type of single-mode technology (e.g. SIW or dielectric pucks). Additional functionality includes the coupling matrix extraction that can directly be used as a goal for optimization of a simulation model, or for assistance in tuning complex hardware via real-time measurements using a network analyzer.
  • Cross-coupled filters for different electromagnetic technologies (e.g. cavities, microstrip, dielectrics) Assistive tuning for filter hardware (with vector network analyzer link)


對於電子電路設計,CST Studio Suite內括PCB Studio,用於導入並且分析來自市面上常用的EDA軟體設計的PCB板,PCB Studio包含用於2D分析的PCB求解器,對用戶來說十分友好用於生成3D幾何結構並以時域求解器分析的EDA導入功能。導入工具可以讀取最常見的EDA文件格式,並逐步引導用戶完成設置過程,此外當將平面PCB導入為3D結構時,且可以自動修復幾何形狀,例如當斷線或焊盤灌恐圓柱變成多邊形柱狀的時候。
EDA import tool for generating 3D analysis models
Multilayer 多層平面求解器


CST Studio Suite包括三種不同的求解器類型-2D傳輸線方法,3D局部元件等效電路(PEEC)方法和3D有限元素頻域(FEFD)分析方法-用於針對電壓衰退(IR-Drop),功率完整性(Power integrity, PI)和 訊號完整度(Signal integrity, SI)的分析
  • High-speed PCBs
  • Packages
  • Power electronics



  • Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) PCB design rule checking
  • Signal integrity and power integrity (SI/PI) PCB design rule checking



  • General SI and EMC simulation of cables
  • Cable harness layout in vehicles and aircraft
  • Hybrid cables in consumer electronics


使用者可以通過加入熱源或結構應力效應來做進一步EM模擬分析,且無需支付額外費用,多物理場求解器已包含在CST許可序號中,可以與EM分析進行單向耦合或雙向耦合,其中熱流場分析可以是瞬態或穩態的,並且可以建立熱傳係數於材料中或併同以CFD(計算流體動力學)方法模擬。 對於更詳細的多物理場模擬,CST還可以與SIMULIA品牌和3DEXPERIENCE平台上的其他高階分析軟件進行資料或模型交換,以達到更完整更真實的狀況。


  • High-power electronics components and devices, such as print circuit boards (PCBs), filters, antennas etc. Medical devices and human bio-heating



  • Electronics cooling: natural and forced convection of high-power electronics components and devices, such as PCBs, filters, antennas, chassis etc. with installed cooling devices such as fans, heatsinks etc.



The Mechanical Solver can predict structures’ mechanical stress and deformation caused by electromagnetic forces and thermal expansion. It is designed to be used in conjunction with the EM and thermal solvers to assess the possible performance impact of the force and heating to the device.
  • Filter detuning
  • PCB deformation
  • Lorentz forces on particle accelerators


CST Studio Suite包括用於粒子模擬的求解器,用於追蹤並計算粒子軌跡以及周圍的電磁場和尾流場等。


The Particle-in-Cell (PIC) Solver is a versatile, self-consistent simulation method for particle tracking that calculates both particle trajectory and electromagnetic fields in the time-domain, taking into account the space charge effects and mutual coupling between the two. This allows it to be used to simulate a huge variety of devices where the interaction between particles and high-frequency fields are important, as well as high-power devices where electron multipacting is a risk.
  • Accelerator components
  • Slow-wave devices
  • Multipaction



The Particle Tracking Solver is a 3D solver for simulating particle trajectories through electromagnetic fields. The space charge effect on the electric field can be taken into account by the Gun Iteration option. Several emission models including fixed, space charge limited, thermionic and field emission are available, and secondary electron emissions can be simulated.
  • Particle sources
  • Focusing and beam steering magnets
  • Accelerator components



The Wakefield Solver calculates the fields around a particle beam, represented by a line current, and the wakefields produced through interactions with discontinuities in the surrounding structure.
  • Cavities
  • Collimators
  • Beam position monitors


CST Studio Suite包括用於靜態或低頻3D電磁模擬的求解器,包括靜電、靜磁、定電流和低頻電磁效應或電磁波(頻域與時域),此外,同時CST求解器的許可驗證現在還同時可以用於達梭體系下另外一套電磁軟體Opera 3D的操作與驗證(請參閱Opera FEA)。


The Electrostatic Solver is a 3D solver for simulating static electric fields. This solver is especially suitable for applications such as sensors where electric charge or capacitance is important. The speed of the solver also means that it is very useful for optimizing applications such as electrodes and insulators.
  • Sensors and touchscreens
  • Power equipment
  • Charged particle devices and X-ray tubes



The Stationary Current Field Solver is a 3D solver for simulating the flow of DC currents through a device, especially with lossy components. This solver can be used to characterize the electrical properties of a component that is DC or in which eddy currents and transient effects are irrelevant.
  • High-power equipment
  • Electrical machines
  • PCB power distribution network



The Magnetostatic Solver is a 3D solver for simulating static magnetic fields. This solver is most useful for simulating magnets, sensors, and for simulating electrical machines such as motors and generators in cases where transient effects and eddy currents are not critical.
  • Sensors
  • Electrical machines
  • Particle beam focusing magnets



The Low-Frequency Time Domain (LF-FD) Solver is a 3D solver for simulating the transient behavior in low frequency systems, and includes both magneto-quasistatic (MQS) and electro-quasistatic (EQS) implementations. The MQS solver is suitable for problems involving eddy currents, non-linear effects, and transient effects such as motion or inrush. The EQS solver is suitable for resistive-capacitive problems and HV-DC applications.
  • Sensors and non-destructive testing (NDT)
  • RFID and wireless power transfer
  • Power engineering – bus bar systems



The Low-Frequency Time Domain (LF-FD) Solver is a 3D solver for simulating the transient behavior in low frequency systems, and includes both magneto-quasistatic (MQS) and electro-quasistatic (EQS) implementations. The MQS solver is suitable for problems involving eddy currents, non-linear effects, and transient effects such as motion or inrush. The EQS solver is suitable for resistive-capacitive problems and HV-DC applications.
  • Electrical machines and transformers
  • Electromechanical - motors, generators
  • Power engineering – insulation, bus bar systems, switchgear


  • STEP
  • STL
  • OBJ
  • NASTRAN(solid and mesh)
  • IGES
  • PTC Creo™ (P ro/E)
  • Autodesk Inventor®
  • CATIA® v4 – v6
  • SOLIDWORKS and Solid Edge
  • Parasolid
  • Siemens NXTM™
  • 生物三維像素資料(Biological voxel data)
  • ODB++
  • IPC-2581
  • Zuken CR5000/CR8000
  • Touchstone
  • 單層和多層Gerber
  • Mentor Graphics® Expedition™
  • Mentor Graphics Board Station®
  • Mentor Graphics HyperLynx®
  • Cadence® Allegro® PCB Designer
  • Cadence Allegro Package Designer
  • Cadence SiP Digital Layout
  • Agilent ADS®
  • AWR Microwave Office®
  • Synopsis® HSpice, Saber
  • Sonnet®
  • Harness Description List
  • Cadence Virtuoso®
  • Si2 OpenAccess
